Monday, June 15, 2009

Class of 2010 minus 1

Joe is actually in the class of 2010, but decided he had had enough of high school and wanted to graduate early. This took some doing, including appealing to the superintendet for permission and taking both Junior and Senior classes in English and History. He also had to fit in four classes at the local community college to make up the hours he needed. He managed to do all that, even with AP classes so he graduated! Here he is in the procession. The only way we found him was to look for his green converse.

Here is Joe with Grandma and Aunt Amy all the way from Illinois to share in our family celebration.

Then there is Joe with Pat, who did this last year and just finished his first year at the College of William and Mary

And here is Joe with proud papa.

Joe with mom and dad,

The cake from the big party we had on Sunday afternoon and finally Rose, can't wait till it is her turn. Thankfully, it is six years away for her. Whew!
Two down, one to go.

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