Doesn't looking at the ocean just make you happy? It does me. I love the sounds and smell of it too. I spent last weekend in Pescadero with my honey just relaxing. I have a couple months off of school before the nursing program starts; I am packing in as much relaxation and visiting with friends as I can. I have spent the last year or so taking the prerequisites for nursing school and at the end of May I start a 1 year program to earn my BSN. I'll be at Samuel Merritt College in Oakland and various clinical sites. I can't wait to get started and I can't wait to get working. With Pat starting college in the fall and my program we will be up to our eyeballs in debt for a while.
I have been knitting more during this break and I went to Stitches West in February and took classes this time. More about that later. Now I am off to my great nieces first birthday party followed by Pat's piano recital!